Day: January 9, 2013

The Lawn

2013 started with a kickass lobster from Four Seasons Hotel. It’s brunch with the girlies at Four Seasons Hotel! ❤ Food glorious food! Yums yums for my tums tums! Look at my main! This freaking lobster is bigger than my forearm! *gasps* And my favourite friends in the world! Including the latest member of our sisterhood, no I mean.. auntiehood. Heh! We love Baby Rykiel! More photos with the girls! Rossie looks so pretty here!!! Most chio Mommy of the year award. Hehehe! Baby looks so funny here. Heh! I love my girlfriends! Another awesome year ahead! And dear A, thank you for the love for the ENTIRE 2012! I want many many more awesome years with you! xxx I also coloured my hair again at Shunji Matsuo 313. Decided to going back to having a more normal colour and look less K-Pop. Hahaha! The fringe is getting really long and unruly but I’m torn between getting them trimmed and keeping them long. Gaaahhh! I also took my unruly black hair to this really cute …