All posts filed under: Rambles

Rubbish thoughts, really.

A beautiful accidental-stranger once told me – if you have only known a person for an x-period of time, you should not make future plans that will only happen after x-period of time with this person. It was some kind of mathematical formula he goes by. His logic being if you have only known that person for a short amount of time, you still can’t be too sure if you would still want to be around this person in the near future. And the amount of time you’ve known this person for will be a good gauge. My explanation sucks, please see chart: That is a rubbish theory. How can time even be a unit to measure connection and soul? Hor? – The pursuit of happiness is hard work. What’s worse is when your happiness is pretty much dependent on the people and things around you. We are so not in control of our own happiness, yet those quotes on Pinterest encourages us endlessly to think that we are. They forgot most of us haven’t attained …

Stage 4, going on 5.

This is me. 3:30am, lying in my own bed, still feeling a little intoxicated from the couple of glasses of red wine and good company I had a couple of hours ago. Last time I checked, I was still feeling all perked up and chirpy, but it almost always changes for the worse in the wee hours when I’m at home all alone. The soft crackling of the thunder is really not helping at all. Today, a friend asked me what is my biggest fear. She said she’s afraid of being mediocre, and is afraid of boredom. To be honest, I don’t mind being just an average plain Jane; I just want to be a happy plain Jane. My biggest fear is to know that I am all alone – not alone physically per se, but when there is no one to count on, no one to turn to, no one to share my life with. I guess I’m a people person? The idea of being all by myself just really scares me. People asked me if …

Ten Things You Thought You Knew About Lesbians

…But You Don’t. I have once had a “friend” come up to me and asked me in the face why I chose to be a lesbian, and is it whether because I don’t like cocks. Maybe she thought she had a good sense of humour, but I was honestly quite offended because I’m quite sure she wasn’t talking about the rooster. And because a person with higher EQ would know how to choose his/her words more carefully, not in this insensitive and an almost-mocking manner. I hope she didn’t go around asking her childless female friends why they do not have children, and whether it is because they don’t like their husbands’ penises. See what I mean? These are personal choices, no? This “friend” I have is just thick. Period. – – – I think the lesbians are pretty misunderstood. After a survey with my lesbian friends (firstly, no, lesbians do not only have lesbian friends), we came up with a list.


I used to SO love Chinese New Year. Red packets, being able to rightfully stay up late on Chinese New Year’s Eve (守岁), visit my cousins who are closer to my age, no lessons at school and most importantly, to be able to spend time with my family and loved ones. Now, all I look forward to during Chinese New Year is the Bak Gua. The cousins have all grown up and can now choose to go out without the family. This is the 3rd Chinese New Year that Granny is not with us. I worry about the days when I have to close the cafe because of Chinese New Year; no operations = no sales = losing money. I’d rather work on Chinese New Year. Call me workaholic. And oh red packets – I am starting to feel a little embarrassed to still be collecting them because relatives of my age are starting to distribute them (to me). Awkward. I wonder do all bachelors, spinsters and gay people (of this certain age) feel the …

The Routine

Sometimes, I cannot believe that I am actually almost 30 years old. It felt like it wasn’t too long ago when I was still an undergraduate, in my late teens, having the time of my life. When I try to make myself feel better, I would always tell myself that a woman is at her most attractive in her 30s. (but I do agree to some extent so it is not entirely just something I tell myself in self denial) A woman in her 30s is wise, mature, confident and most probably knows how to carry herself well. If that is not attractive and sexy, I don’t know what is. Fortunately for me, I’m living in a time where modern science has helped slow down the ageing process and there are so many new ways to make “looking pretty” more attainable. These are some of my favourite beauty treatment, gadgets, go-to places and products – you might want to try them if you think they might help you too. 🙂


overall ● shoes ● watch ● nixon necklace ● It’s the weekend again! Not like it makes too much of a difference for me because weekends are as crazy as weekdays, BUT weekends are always happier days because it means all my friends will not be working and everyone around me is in a better mood. Heh! A and I checked out our second distributor earlier this week! It has really been quite a ride for the both of us since The Tiramisu Hero started. Honestly, this is almost like a make-or-break thing for me. I have always been quite a pessimistic person, always thinking about the “what ifs” and contingency plans in case things fail. But A has done a lot teaching me to always look at the bright side of things and think good thoughts. I’ve been daydreaming quite a lot about the big plans and the good times ahead since I met her. I guess it’s a good thing ya? Our little humble The Tiramisu Hero has been around …